Sunday, November 18, 2012

Seen on the T

I was riding the T the other night and I legitimately got a glimpse of this:

Now if you look closely, that is in fact a Country Crock tub of butter.

My first thought was: I'm going to throw up.
My second thought...well action: Stare
Third: Keep staring so I can confirm my unnerving thought. She's gotta take a bite soon. she wasn't eating butter. It was mashed potatoes. Which at a quick glance looks like butter anyway. But that led to different series of thoughts...

  • Do you own know...that thing they sell at the grocery stores for a low price that stores food...?
  • How dare you almost make me throw up?
  • Did you just have some leftover butter spread just hanging out in the fridge and you thought to oh my this would go great with my mashed potatoes?
  • What came first...the mashed potatoes or the butter...?
  • Don't come out in public and scar people for a brief moment and expect to not be judged. What I'm doing right now is totally human. In fact, I'm going to take a picture and send it to my friends. The world needs to see this actually. Let me blog about it too. Yes, yes this would make a great blog entry.
...Among the few thoughts I had.

So lesson: don't eat food out of butter containers. Because you will get stared at. And you will most likely get secretly photographed. And now the whole entire world knows that you like butter. 

Always amused and confused, 

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