Sunday, May 5, 2013

Goodbye city...for now.

After two semesters of complaining about this city, it's finally come to an end. I'm moving back home tomorrow. I'll be back and forth pretty often I think, but I won't officially be living here again until September to finish my last semester of grad school.

I'm not really sure where the time went and how two semesters of grad school went by so fast. I'll be a big-girl intern at Weber, a PR agency, this summer, which brings me one step closer to my career. I've wanted to work there for a while and I'm definitely excited for that chapter of my life. But I can't say I'm ready to leave the friends I've made here. Everyone's going their own way this summer and I couldn't be more excited for them. We've got London, Boston, New York, etc.

When I first moved here I didn't think I would make such good friends. These past couple of months I think we've all bonded through the good and the bad and I'm going to miss being able to just walk out of my apartment and have an entire city as my backyard. I'm also going to miss my runs.

That all being said, this blog will be taking a hiatus until next Fall (most likely). Unless I decide to change the direction of my posts, or post about my random visits. I can't wait to be back next September...I know there's so much more this city has left to offer me!

Bye for now!

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